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Hi, Im Ankhtepot (Read 2368 times)
01/30/17 at 10:25:58

Ankhtepot   Offline
Space for Rent

Gender: male
Posts: 1
I just want to introduce myself to Lemmings for those who don't know me.
Im 36y old guy from czech republic, who hang around in WoW for last 10 or something years. Since vanilla I always had warm feelings towards Lemmings and it somehow warm my heart to be part of this guild now. Also because, as I saw, many of my ancient raiding buddies from FoW are also members and also some core Lemmings which I accustomed to always have good experience in past and receive non-elitist friendly approach. And, last but not least, Jaqq is also Lemming :3
I play on my free time which is very unpredictable, but I will love to join raids and mythics when Im needed and help out when its possible. Sometimes I can log for just 20 minutes or so, so if I don't help you, its probably because Im in this tight time schedule.
I like to play alts and you will probably meet some of my most frequent ones > my new main Ankhtepath, my old main Ankhtepot, hunter Santhar, mage Zanzadir and priest jindara.
Looking forward to hang around with you lot  Wink
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