About Toon:
Name: Azriella
Class: Priest
Main Spec & Average Gearlevel: Shadow - 655
Preferred Off Spec: Holy although be warned, I am absolutely terrible at it!
Achievement Points/Goals: 14485 (and still going, i'm possibly slightly addicted)
About Player
Name: Leanne
Age: 28
Info: I am Scottish but living in England with my husband. I am a Java software developer and a bit of a geek. I have played WoW since launch and have been raiding since Vanilla. It has ebbed off in recent years due to starting my job and trying out other games. I have just got back into the game in recent months and have been catching up on everything I missed. I suck at PvP but I do enjoy it now and again (and as an achievement addict I have little choice but to hardcore it at some stage!).
About Raiding
Current/Previous Raid Group/Guild: Viral
Reason for Leaving: The guild leaders and members have moved on.
Raid Experience / Roles:I have raiding up to C'thun in Vanilla and was a raid leader/guild leader up to Sunwell in the burning crusade. I cleared all of WOTLK up until I stopped playing just before ICC was released. I have come back to the game on a casual basis since then and raided SOO and some of MoP and I am now catching up with WoD.
Due to the lack of a progressive PvE guild over the last couple of years coming back I found it hard for the game to keep my attention as I am an avid PvE player. I dislike trying to learn encounters in pick up groups. I am however a quick learner and used to listening and speaking over voice comms.
I have done 6/7 HM normal and not really had the confidence to go for BRF or HM heroic although i'm sure I have the gear for it.
Reason for wanting to join Lemmings:I am looking for a guild which is still progressing through content which I can join and enjoy completing content with rather than having free loot handed my way and not feeling the satisfaction of earning it.
After reading a post on the forums about the attitude of members of your guild I believe that you will be friendly and social whilst still scratching my PvE itch.
Anything else you want to tell us to support your application.
I believe myself to be a friendly and social person who enjoys having fun and I certainly don't take things or myself too seriously.
I can take critism and I am always open to advice and feedback on ways to improve.
I am patient and understand that progression doesn't happen without wiping (sometimes alot) and I am always open to helping and supporting people who need it.
Compulsory Questions
Are you over 18? Yes
Are you able to communicate fluently in English? Yes
Are you able to attend all our raids? :
I do have a son and family and sometimes work can be so intense all I want to do is fall into a coma, so whilst I certainly can't commit to being at each and every single raid, I can say with absolute certainty that I will be active and attend as many as I can.
Is your computer/connection capable of handling raids? yes
Please provide your armoury link in the next post.
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