Hi all!
Please don't be scared by this wall of text below!
About Toon: Gorah, Orc hunter, level 92 and growing, Marksman + Erynia, the always hungry wolf (+ a small gang of alts). Gorah is jewelcrafter and enchanter.
About Player:I'm Bartek, I'm hitting 33 in two weeks from now and I'm from beautiful city of Wrocław, Poland. Most of the time I'm spending at work, where I'm writing various database programs and solution for HP business customers. This helps one of major breweries in UK in providing beer for english folks (at least I like to think of it this way!). Rest of time I'm spending on usual social life - mostly with my wife, reading books and gaming (both tabletop and computer). Games wise I've recently I've invested loads of time into Dark Souls 2, This War of Mine and League of Legends (because of that my muscle memory does weird things when I try to type Lemmings guild name

). I've also managed to catch up with all marvel universe movies recently. I've got experience from various MMO's - EVE being the second most played one for me after WoW.
About Lemmings:I did know a few of you - I'm not sure how many of those people are still around or still in guild. I know that Uljin is, I was happy to see Ninque is still active (and now in here!), we've had good blast with Laknor in TBC (mostly pvp on my priest Rosalinde), Sarine was great but I'm not sure if she's still around, same for Twoo and Mox, Kultheel - who is ARC now. There are also some familiar faces from IROWCA/Apoc/instancing times like Brutonian, Serderac (I still remember one happy mage hugging his fresh Staff of Shadow Flame) and a few more. Also question worth 100pts - is Argor still around?
About WoW:As for my WoW career - I've started back in Vanilla in The Onyx Ascendancy. I did fair share of honor grinding which was a blast. Then I moved to raiding with IROWCA group, where I was happy to attend every first kill starting from Lashlayer. I've got also promoted to hunter group leader back then. It was a blast and during that time I got to meet some of LoL people for the first time. We've finished our run in Naxx when TBC hit. At the beginning of TBC Apocalypse was formed and I've moved over from TOA to Apoc, where I became one of raid leaders soon afer. I seem to remember that it was this time, when we used to hang around in a joint hunter channel with LoL hunters (Uljin, I'm looking at you!). TBC was very successful for Apoc raid wise and in general guild wise. WotLK was less, as guild ceased to raid at the end of that expansion. We've had talks about joint raiding in the future with you lot, which I was a part of, but thry sadly have failed and many of Apoc people retired - me including. I've had a brief raiding period in Cataclysm, we've even hit some heroic modes. But for me it ended for good. I did reappear for a month in Pandaria on Alliance side. Now I'm back for good after 3 years of inactivity and Apocalypse is a dead place, where tumbleweed is the only thing that's moving on it's own. I've always been on a bleeding edge of guild progression and starting from BWL I've missed only one boss first kill - something I've always been proud of, as working on new bosses was the thrill I was after. I've also invested loads of time, resources and efforts to keep Apoc up and running and it was extremly rewarding to see those efforts payoff in a form of another big bad dead boss.
Nowadays I'm just casually chilling in WoW - I don't have regular play times (but it's usually evenings/nights) nor I'm looking for a raiding commitment. I've tried Raid Finder in MoP and it was fun and nice experience - ad hoc raiding is something I do enjoy even if it's stripped of that thrill of working on new bosses. I'm not 100% sure what I will aim at end game, but I guess it will be a bit of everything - some pvp, some casual instancing etc. I'm mostly looking to have fun in a good company while I goof around on Gorah or other alts. Tumbleweeds are great listeners, but are poor companions in a longer run. It's why I hope I could join and have fun with Lemmings instead - you've always been a bunch of great people and have very long record of staying together. I'm looking for a stable guild with nice people, who are focused on enjoying the game. I'm on thecliff since Cata, but it's awfully quiet there when I'm around (it's where you grow your own tumbleweed?

Right, that was rather lenghty, I hope I didn't bored anyone to death.