So, I'm kind of already in the guild, but I figured I'd apply formally as a social member, maybe get more forum access. If you've got any further questions, just ask. I am, as everyone knows, an incredibly interesting person, as well as amazing, awesome, wicked cool, and humble, and I'm just scratching the surface below.
About Toon Jekadu, level 100 Troll Shady Priest.
About Player I live north of Gothenburg, Sweden. At the time of writing, I am 25 years old. I enjoy video games, fantasy literature, cats, and other assorted geeky stuff. I'm also rather fond of mathematics and programming. I have a tendency to talk a lot more than I should.
About Lemmings The people who have recommended me are Jaqq/Zarlah and Tolaris, but I also know Nehrjin and Crescentia, and have raided with Hekstor previously. There are a bunch of other people I know, but those are the ones that seem most relevant off the top of my head.
About WoW I like most kinds of PvE. I have raided in the past and, time permitting, might try my hand at it again, but for the moment, I am just happy to see green text on my screen when I'm online. I am particularly fond of Achievement hunting, though I prefer mastering the content first so as not to frustrate other players. I am rarely in a hurry in-game, and do things at my own pace.
Are you over 18 and able to communicate fluently in English? Sí.
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