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Raid Application for Grøm, Warrior, Arms/Fury (Read 3641 times)
11/30/14 at 22:03:45

Lucy1994   Offline
Space for Rent

Gender: male
Posts: 2

About Toon: Orc
Name: Grøm
Class: Warrior
Main Spec & Average Gearlevel: Arms (gonna be respecing to Fury in later item levels).
Current iLevel - 637
Preferred Off Spec: Arms
Achievement Points/Goals: 9260 / Finding a fun group of people to clear raid content with.

About Player
Name: Anthony
Age: 20
Info:  Nationality - English/ Location - West Yorkshire/Job - *Cough*/ Hobbies - Video Games/ etc anything you like so we can get to know you a little bit - I have pretty broad interests, mainly revolving around computer games; and the like. But I'm also really interest in all manner of science, outlook and theology. You name it, I can talk about it. Except football, fashion and celebrities in general...      

About Raiding
Current/Previous Raid Group/Guild: Nightfall on the Sha'tar realm
Reason for Leaving: Server died, Guildies went there different ways. I still keep up with most of them though.
Raid Experience / Roles: Been raiding since Wrath / Dps (but I'm going to be leveling a Paladin, DK, Priest and a Mage when the bloodelf model rework hits) oh and a Pandaren Monk name Póe at some point aswell. :3c

About Lemmings
Lemmings known:
Reason for wanting to join Lemmings: Left the leveling guild I was in a few days back, In the hopes of finding a new raiding guild to run with. Then I met Høte at 4am farming Steamwheedle Preservation Society rep. He seemed like he knew what he was doing, so I asked him about his guild. He said if I was serious about joining, I should have a look at your website.

I know plenty about the lore, have lots of time on my hands (insert masturbation joke) and I think I'm atleast a semi-competent player. I would really appreciate the opportunity to come raid with you guys. Even if that only mean sitting in the reserves or just being brought along for Alt runs.

Compulsory Questions
Are you over 18? - Yes
Are you able to communicate fluently in English? -Yes
Are you able to attend all out raids? - Yes
Is your computer/connection capable of handling raids? - Yes

Please provide your armoury link in the next post.
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Reply #1 - 11/30/14 at 22:06:18

Lucy1994   Offline
Space for Rent

Gender: male
Posts: 2
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Reply #2 - 11/30/14 at 23:52:15

Zennach   Offline
Feral Lemming
Highway to the danger

Gender: female
Posts: 244
Hi there! Im the raid leader, so Im going to be upfront with you.
At this point we have had a lot of influx with our raid, and our roster is basically full. You are of course welcome as a member of the guild, but as of this moment we can't offer a raid spot. However, this may change in the upcoming weeks as the raids open and we can start asses what team we actually have, you may of course still hang out in the guild if you wish. But just so we're entirely clear, being in the guild does not mean a raid spot, even though we of course will keep you in mind when spots open.
Just at this point we need to deal with all the new trials before we can start opening up spots for others.

Uljin also wish to know if you like Nat Pagle.. I would just back away from that question if I were you..
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