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The Loss of Two Great Lemmings. (Read 10020 times)
07/05/14 at 14:35:12

Yyve   Offline
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Seems this year is a sad year for us lemmings and we have suffered the loss of two of our oldest and cherished members.

Firstly, we unfortunately lost Jabroni recently to cancer.  It was agressive and nasty and took him within a year.  For all those that knew him you know he was the type of guy that would do anything for anyone and the seemingly unwritten rule that Cancer only takes the best of us certainly rings true here. 

Sadly this past Sunday, we also lost another of our oldest and dearest mages Swordmage.  Sword was the type of guy that battled his own demons while still trying to help you fight away yours.  He was a caring and loving man and I am so sad that some of you never got to know him.

For those of you that did, this is the post made by his family members informing us of his sad parting:

Dear friends of Andreas, dear acquaintances, dear gaming buddies,

we regret to have to inform you all that Andreas passed away last sunday.
Our thoughts and our love are with him.
In silent and deep sorrow,
Gudrun Volz and his friends.

(Für weitere Kontakte bitte email an seeraeuberin@hotmail.com, for further contacts please email seeraeuberin@hotmail.com)

I'm sorry to bring everyone such sad news but they are lemmings, they are part of us and we loved them.  We are more than a guild, we are friends.  Whether we talk everyday or once a year, we share something together and we should treasure it because it gets taken.  We all have this connection between us and it's special.

R.I.P my friends, may you find comfort and peace.

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Reply #1 - 07/05/14 at 14:45:47

Piglet   Offline
In Here We Are God
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I am clueless how to respond to this.

I might sign up and not come, be too late, break up halfway and be afk at every readycheck.
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Reply #2 - 07/05/14 at 14:55:21

Brutonian   Offline
True Lemming

Posts: 1322
Thank you for letting everyone know. Very saddening news.
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Reply #3 - 07/05/14 at 15:12:18

Erebus   Offline
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After 10 minutes of staring at these news I am unable to think of what to say...

Rest in peace, Jabroni and Swordmage Sad
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Reply #4 - 07/05/14 at 19:12:10

Rutt   Offline
Bossy Lemming
bah !

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wow... thats really sad to hear this..
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Reply #5 - 07/05/14 at 20:35:54

Pelza   Offline
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I came back here to speak about Swordie, only to be hit by Jabs death too. Two sweet men gone  Cry  Jabroni was always so happy. Swordie had a more self deprecating humor, yet was very kind.

I'm happy that last week I got to /moo and cuddle cow hug Swordie. I wish I could have told him what a good fella he was. Rest in Peace both, the world was better with you in it. And a saying from a group of my friends, crappity smack CANCER!
« Last Edit: 07/05/14 at 20:37:12 by Pelza »  
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Reply #6 - 07/05/14 at 21:41:26

Uljin   Offline
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Balls. No one else please. Undecided

Live in your world, die in mine.
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Reply #7 - 07/05/14 at 22:26:22

Argor   Offline
Baby Lemming
This troll feeds you.

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=-(     Hugs to all.

Disclaimer: this post was most likely a bad joke.&&Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register
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Reply #8 - 07/05/14 at 23:20:54

YunYammka   Offline
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Lost for words
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Reply #9 - 07/06/14 at 13:40:15

Syajin   Offline
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violentia est!
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I'm really sad to hear this. Being a mage like them, we had loads of fun times in our mage channel back in the old days of wow. They are definitely two people that i won't forget, nice, funny and good company to be with.

Rest in peace friends. It was a pleasure to meet you.
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Reply #10 - 07/07/14 at 00:40:22

Skar   Offline
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Horrible to lose two such great guys practically at the same time.

Jabroni was in good form all the way through and we often reminisced about Sunwell, Lemmings and those fun times with all the great folks that were there then and still here now.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anamacha

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Reply #11 - 07/08/14 at 06:34:10

Louveteau   Offline
Troll or something

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Just heard it from Parm this morning... Always sad to hear a nice person like SW passes away. Met him once many years ago and he was a cool guy.
Sadly I do not think I knew Jabromi but I do know how awful that disease is as I lost my mother to it.
So lots of strength and well wishes to both their families, relatives and friends.
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Reply #12 - 07/14/14 at 21:39:04

tamirhoof   Offline
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Rest in peace, friends, we'll miss you Cry
Sucky year it is.....

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Reply #13 - 08/19/14 at 00:45:01

Ehgar   Offline
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Deepest respect and sadeyes to the family..  Cry
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