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Raid Application - Frost Death Knight Linetta (Read 6171 times)
01/24/13 at 17:04:41

Linetta   Offline
Space for Rent

Gender: male
Posts: 2
Hello there Lemmings, after some cleaning up in the real life department I'm ready to lay down some serious raid applicationage for you lurvy people.

Raid Application for Linetta, the frosty Death Knight. (Don't lick the plate mail.)

About Toon:
Name: Linetta
Class: Death Knight
Main Spec & Average Gearlevel: Frost 475
Preferred Off Spec: Blood mainly for soloing content, but could develop into off-tanking.
Achievement Points/Goals: WoW is my hobby after work, my character specifically, gearing her up and doing the bigger content with like minded people.

About Player
Name: Alexander Sporny
Age: 20
Info:  Polish nationality, Swedish based with access to smacking Soulja when his DPS starts getting lax.

About Raiding
Current/Previous Raid Group/Guild: Previous raiding guilds include Dark Tide, Echo, Disciples of Deadeye, Lethal and The Sinner Project.
Reason for Leaving: Vary from guild disbanding to taking a hiatus to try other games.
Raid Experience / Roles: My experience is split between tanking and DPSing across Vanilla, TBC, Wrath and Cata content on a wide array of characters.

About Lemmings
Lemmings known: Soulja
Reason for wanting to join Lemmings: Comfortable raids and schedules.

I've been on a few raids with the Lemmings, where I was praised for my great damage-dealing, raid control, leadership and ability to make the bosses drop three times the usual loot.

Compulsory Questions
Are you over 18? Yes indeed.
Are you able to communicate fluently in English? Superbly.
Are you able to attend all our raids? Indeed, if not notice will be given on beforehand.
Is your computer/connection capable of handling raids? That it is.

Please provide your armoury link in the next post.
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Reply #1 - 01/24/13 at 17:05:21

Linetta   Offline
Space for Rent

Gender: male
Posts: 2
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Reply #2 - 01/24/13 at 23:08:51

SouljaAD   Offline
True Lemming
I Love YaBB 2!

Gender: male
Posts: 305
so long time it took for you to write all this down i almost had to warm my car up and go and yell at ye from downstairs of your balcony raaaaawr

welcome to forum Smiley
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Reply #3 - 01/30/13 at 17:54:51

SouljaAD   Offline
True Lemming
I Love YaBB 2!

Gender: male
Posts: 305
Whisper anyone online next time you get online for an invite!
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