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Social application for Ahake (Read 4612 times)
01/06/13 at 21:13:22

Ahake   Offline
Space for Rent

Gender: female
Posts: 3

My character: Ahake, tauren druid, level 90, main spec (PvP) resto, with a feral offspec for soloing and questing.

About me: I'm Annika, a 26-year-old female from Finland, who returned to WoW around a month ago. (I got the 10 day free trial of MoP, and one thing lead to another...)

I've played since December 2007, and Ahake is actually the first character I made. So, she's been my main for my whole WoW career.

Outside of WoW, I really enjoy drawing and reading, mostly fantasy and horror themed stuff. Recently I've also become addicted to American Horror Story (an awesome TV show), so I guess that counts as a hobby too! I love animals, but sadly I'm unable to have pets for now.

I also enjoy wearing pyjamas and drinking coffee.

About Lemmings: I know Rutt and Kervera, and I've had interactions with other members in the past (sadly I've forgotten who, since it was a few years ago). The friendly attitude is what made me interested in this guild, and after reading more about you, I decided to apply.

You sound like the perfect guild for me - friendly, mature and helpful. Relaxed, with sensible rules.

The people I've played with in the past have more or less left the game, and I think it's time to find new players to befriend.   

About WoW: I've always been a casual player, whose interests vary from time to time. At the moment, I'm enjoying PvP healing. Maybe even arena, even though I pretty much suck at it. Smiley (As you can see from my arena rating...) It's one of my goals to become better at it, though.   

Other than that, I usually spend my time in WoW doing dailies, gathering herbs and doing old raids for transmog gear/mounts/pets.

I have quite a lot of time to play, and I will be online pretty much every evening/night. I might be less active on weekends. I'd consider myself an active player, who's online every day.

Are you over 18 and able to communicate fluently in English? Yes, and yes.

So, that's it! Looking forward to hearing from you. *waves*

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Reply #1 - 01/06/13 at 21:26:35

Rutt   Offline
Bossy Lemming
bah !

Gender: male
Posts: 584
Nice seeing you finding your way here, and good luck ^^
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Reply #2 - 01/06/13 at 21:27:49

Sarine   Offline
Official Postpoker Overlord
Bossy Lemming
Walking Tree
Soon Ireland

Gender: female
Posts: 1706
Welcome to forum Ahake! I believe I recall seeing you around before. Expect an ingame whisper poke.
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Reply #3 - 01/08/13 at 12:14:29

Alúrien   Offline
Feral Lemming
We'll surely avoid scurvy
if we all eat an orange

Gender: male
Posts: 72
Welcome =)
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Reply #4 - 01/08/13 at 17:23:30

Ahake   Offline
Space for Rent

Gender: female
Posts: 3
Thank you! Smiley
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