Cos someone was asking on another forum, I thought I'd throw my UI up here too, even though it's been essentially the same for years.

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- Normal UI is much the same just without raid frames and few other bits of crap.
I hate having crap in the middle of my screen near my toon, makes it impossible to see things like void zones.
I dislike massive bars like most timers/buff monitors, takes up far too much screen estate for very little extra info.
Addons used in that:
FuBar - information panel with various dropdowns at top of screen. (clock my DPS (red text in the middle), mwhahahahaa!)
Bartender - action bars - that's
CooldownCount showing timers on buttons.
Autobar - dynamic action bar
Pitbull - unit frames
Appature - creates the viewport at the bottom
Buffalo - didn't actually do much with this, just move buffs/debuffs around some
Classtimer - just the icons and timer next to player/target frames.
Squeenix - Square minimap with range indicator
SCT - Scrolling combat text. Only shows important crap I need to know - auras gained (bloodlust), Environmental (rain of fire)
PRAT - vastly configurable chat mod.
Forgotname- those green blobs, I just use that to track combo points on Malygos, forgot to turn it off.
Raiding Addons
Omen ofc.
RBS - Raid Buff Status, tells me who lacks what
Cooldowns & MT windows - part of oRA2